Sermon Notes
Sermon notes are organized by sermon series. Click each sermon title to download the notes!
Should Christians Celebrate Christmas?
Climbing the Mountain of Spiritual Growth (2 Peter)
Growth Through Like Precious Faith
Growth Through Confirmation of the New Life
Growing in the Qualities of Salvation
Growing Provides Assurance of Salvation
Growing a Consistent Legacy
Growth Through the Revelation of God
Growth Through the Revelation of God 2
Guidelines for Using Our Liberties to the Glory of God
Guidelines for Using Our Liberties to the Glory of God 2
Guidelines for Using Our Liberties to the Glory of God 3
Guidelines for Using Our Liberties to the Glory of God 4
Exalting Christ in a Christ-less Culture (1 Corinthians)
The Founding of the Church in a Christ-less Culture
The Founding of the Church in a Christ-less Culture 2
The Focus of the Church in a Christ-less Culture
The Fracturing of the Church in a Christ-less Culture
The Fabric of the Church in a Christ-less Culture
The Framework of the Church in a Christ-less Culture
The Fixation of the Church in a Christ-less Culture
The Faultline of the Church in a Christ-less Culture
The Faculty of the Church in a Christ-less Culture
The Failure of the Church in a Christ-less Culture
The Fruitfulness of the Church in a Christ-less Culture
The Foundation of the Church in a Christ-less Culture
The Features of the Church in a Christ-less Culture
The Foolishness of the Church in a Christ-less Culture
The Faithful of the Church in a Christ-less Culture
The Faithful of the Church in a Christ-less Culture 2
The Folly of the Church in a Christ-less Culture
The Fatherhood of the Church in a Christ-less Culture
The Fornication of the Church in a Christ-less Culture
The Fellowship of the Church in a Christ-less Culture
The Felony of the Church in a Christ-less Culture
The Facade of the Church in a Christ-less Culture
The Fatality of the Church in a Christ-less Culture
Introduction to a Theology of Marriage and Sex
The Truth about Marriage and Singleness in a Christ-less Culture
The Truth about the Unmarried in a Christ-less Culture
The Truth about the Married in a Christ-less Culture
The Truth about the Tension of Relationships in a Christ-less Culture
Love Trumps Knowledge in a Christ-less Culture
Love Trumps Liberty in a Christ-less Culture
The Defense of Christian Liberty in Ministry
The Proper Motives in Limiting Christian Liberty
The Discipline Necessary For Limiting Christian Liberty
The Proper Motives in Limiting Christian Liberty
The Warning About Carnal Living in a Christ-less Culture
The Warning About Carnal Living in a Christ-less Culture 2
The Warning About Carnal Living in a Christ-less Culture 3
The Warning About Carnal Living in a Christ-less Culture 4
The Keys to Limiting Carnal Living in a Christ-less Culture
The Gifts of a Christ-mas Based Salvation: Mini-Series (Philippians)
The Gift of Grace for a Christ-mas Based Salvation
The Gift of Mercy for a Christ-mas Based Salvation
The Supernatural Entrance (Matthew)
The Supernatural Entrance
The Supernatural Emphasis/Significance of the Virgin Birth
The Supernatural Pre-Existence
The Supernatural Pre-Existence 2
The Supernatural Pre-Existence 3
The Supernatural Exit
Courage for Stressful times (Joshua & Hebrews)
Celebrating God Our Savior (Various Psalms)
The Priority of Jesus Christ (Colossians)
Intro to the book of Colossians
The Priority of Christ in Thanksgiving
The Priority of Christ in Prayer
The Priority of Christ in Prayer 2
The Priority of Christ Over Creation
The Priority of Christ in Reconciliation
The Priority of Christ in the Church
The Priority of Christ in the Church 2
The Priority of Christ Over Human Wisdom
The Priority of Christ Over Persuasive Speech
The Priority of Christ Over Vain Philosophy
The Priority of Christ Over Legalism
The Priority of Christ Over Legalism 2
The Priority of Christ Over Mysticism
The Priority of Christ Asceticism
The Priority of Christ Over Carnal Living
The Priority of Christ Over Ethnic and Social Distinctions
The Priority of Christ in the New Mans Life
The Priority of Christ in the New Man 2
The Priority of Christ in the New Man 3
The Priority of Christ in the New Man 4
The Priority of Christ in the Wife's Life
The Priority of Christ in the Husbands Life
The Priority of Christ in Parenting
The Priority of Christ in Work Life
The Priority of Christ in Public Life
The Priority of Christ in Teamwork
The Photo Album of a Model Christian Filled Church (1 Thessalonians)
The Picture of a Christian-Filled Church
The Picture of a Consistent Message
The Picture of a Consistent Congregation
The Picture of a Consistent Ministry
The Picture of a Consistent Ministry 2
The Picture of a Consistent Testimony
The Picture of a Consistent Desire
The Picture of a Consistent Concern
The Picture of a Consistent Concern 2
The Picture of a Consistent Prayer Warrior
The Picture of a Consistent Sanctification
The Picture of a Consistent Sexual Purity
The Picture of a Consistent Sexual Purity in Marriage
The Picture of a Consistent Orderly Life
The Picture of a Consistent Orderly Life 2
The Picture of a Consistent Hope
The Picture of a Consistent Hope 2
The Picture of a Consistent Anticipation
The Picture of a Consistent Readiness
The Picture of a Consistent Shepard and Sheep Relationship
The Picture of a Consistent Sheep Non-retaliation Relationship
Training for Godliness (1 & 2 Timothy)
Training with Effectiveness in View
Training for Godliness Requires Endurance
Training for Godliness Requires Single-mindedness
Training for Godliness Requires Self-Discipline
Training for Godliness Requires Suffering
Training for Godliness Requires Sacrifice
Training for Godliness Requires Sanctification
Training for Godliness Requires Instruction
Training for Godliness with the End in View
The Battle is the Root not the Fruit (Various Scriptures)
The Christian Reason for the Season (Various Scriptures)
The Gift that Keeps on Giving from God the Father
The Gift that Keeps on Giving from God the Son
Lord Give me the Heart of a Laborer in the Harvest (Various Scriptures)
The Principles of a Harvest Laborer
The Problems for the Harvest Laborer
The Prayer of a Harvest Laborer
The Prayer of a Harvest Laborer 2
Why Jesus Only? (John)
Why Jesus Only? Because He is Equal with God in Compassion
Why Jesus Only? Because He is Equal with God in Nature
Why Jesus Only? Because He is Equal with God in Power
Living the Spirit-Filled Life (Various Scriptures)
The Sufficiency of Scripture (Various Scriptures)
The Fundamentals of the Gospel (Romans)
The Thanksgiving Prayer for What the Gospel of God Produces
The Theme of the Gospel of God
The Pagan is Under the Sentence of Condemnation
The Pagan is Under the Sentence of Condemnation
The Pagan is Under the Sentence of Condemnation
The Moral Person is Under the Sentence of Condemnation
The Jew is Under the Sentence of Condemnation
The Jew is Under the Sentence of Condemnation 2
The Jew is Under the Sentence of Condemnation 3
The Whole of Humanity is Under the Sentence of Condemnation
The Divine Provision for the Condemned
The Divine Provision is Accessed by Faith
Old Testament Illustrations of Justification by Faith Alone
OT Illustrations of Justification by Faith Alone 2
OT Illustrations of Justification by Faith Alone 3
OT Illustrations of Justification by Faith Alone 4
The Sources of Assurance Now and Forever
The Sources of Assurance Now and Forever 2
The Sources of Assurance Now and Forever 3
The Sources of Assurance Now and Forever 4
The Stripping of Sins Dominating Power
The Stripping of Sins Dominating Power 2
Liberated from Sin, Enslaved to God
The Powerlessness of the Law on the Christian
The Righteous Purpose of the Law in Light of Sin
The Lament over Sins Residence in Men
The Lament over Sins Residence in Men 2
The Holy Spirit Assures our Freedom from Condemnation
The Holy Spirit Assures our Freedom from Condemnation 2
The Holy Spirit Empowers Believers to have Victory over the Flesh
The Characteristics of a Child Adopted by God
The Holy Spirit Assures the Believer of Future Glory (Creation)
The Holy Spirit Assures the Believer of Future Glory 2 (Christian)
The Holy Spirit Assures the Believer of Future Glory 3 (Comforter)
The Final Destination is Glory
Victoriously Secured by the Eternal Love of God
Victoriously Secured by the Eternal Love of God 2
Victoriously Secured by the Eternal Love of God 3
The Troubling Tension over Israels Unbelief; Gods Sovereignty VS Human Responsibility
The Sovereignty of God has not Failed
Israels Failure is Due to Pride and Prejudice
The Preservation of Israels Remnant
The Purpose of Israels Rejection
The Promise of Israels Restoration
The Hymn that Praises God for His Purposes and Plans in Salvation History
A Life of Worship based on the Mercies of God
The Transformed Life is a Model of Humility
The Transformed Life is a Model of Supernatural Service
The Transformed Life is a Model of Christian Love
The Church Family Dynamics of Christian Love
The Social Dynamics of Christian Love
The Enemy Dynamics of Christian Love
The Christians Responsibility to Human Authority
The God Ordained Responsibilities of Government to Citizens
The Responsibility of Government and the Response of Christian Citizens
Paying the Obligation of Love Fulfills the Law
What Time is it? Time to put on Christ
The Guidelines for the Principle of Christian Liberty
The Guidelines for the Principle of Christian Liberty 2
The Guidelines for the Principle of Christian Liberty 3
The Law of Love Supersedes the Law of Liberty
The Law of Love Supersedes the Law of Liberty 2
The Practice of Pleasing God and Not Ourselves
The Practice of Rejoicing in Gods Plan of Redemption
The God Directed Purpose of a Called Leader
The God Directed Plans of a Called Leader
The God Directed Prayer of a Called Leader
The God Directed Praise of Faithful Members
Single Sermons (Various Scriptures)
The Relevancy of the Resurrection
The Single, Married, Widowed, Let Honor Be Thy Crown
A Conversation with the Resurrected Jesus on the Road
The Characteristics of War Room Prayer
The Best Ability is Availability
The Blessing of Having a Like-Minded Co-Laborer in Ministry
The Theme of the Gospel of God
A Message of Encouragement in a Sea of Fear
The Tug-o-War of an Authentic Christian
The Relationship of Believers in Christ
Evidence that Demands a Verdict
The Verdict Guilty But Not Hopeless
The Impact of a Fathers Teaching Presence
The Bribery to Dismiss the Resurrection
The Pagan Danger of Celebrating Christmas
The Christian Delight of Celebrating Christmas