Dynamic Life Begins..
with a life changing relationship with Jesus Christ!
The heart is changed, effecting the family, community, and society!
Dynamic Life Baptist Ministries
shows husbands, wives, parents, children, and singles how to fulfill their biblical roles under God; and how to mentor other families to do the same. When each biblical sphere of life functions properly, there is Dynamic Impact, resulting in community transformation!
Our Story
Dynamic Life Baptist Ministries was formed when three churches merged into one exciting new ministry. Discussions started in January 2001 about merging these churches. The original meeting was attended by: Pastor Sam Ward of Covenant Baptist Church, Pastor James Smith of Decision Baptist Church, Pastor Howard Bourdess of Hope Baptist Church, and Pastor Victor Clay of Victorious Living Bible Fellowship.
After further discussions, the churches were approached about meeting together for praise and fellowship. They agreed, and the first joint service was held in February of 2001 at Covenant Baptist Church. Each church provided special music, and each pastor brought a short message from Ephesians 4:1-6. Additional services were held at each of the churches including a Good Friday service at Decision Baptist Church, and a Sunrise Service For Prayer at Hope Baptist Church.
After more meetings, it was proposed that the three churches merge into one new entity.
In the summer of 2001, a meeting was held concerning the various ministries of the church and which pastor was to head these ministries. It was decided that Pastor Clay would become the Senior Pastor, Pastor Smith would become the Minister of Evangelism/Outreach, Pastor Bourdess would become the Minister of Christian Education, and Pastor Strong would become Minister of Discipleship. After this, a steering committee was formed of pastors, deacons, and other members of the three original congregations. They met and formulated the Purpose and Mission Statement for the new entity. Dynamic Life Baptist Ministries was chosen as the name.
After a long drawn out process bathed in much prayer, study under the Word of God and the Guidance of the Holy Spirit, the time came for the three churches to vote on completing the merger. The congregations voted to come together and form the new church. In December of 2001, they began to look for a new location. The property they found was the Grandview Christian Church located at 1916 Central Avenue, just off of 18th Street. The new facility met all of their requirements. The purchase was conditional on the sale of the three original church buildings.
As the original buildings were sold, the Dynamic Life Baptist Ministry moved into the upper floor of Grandview Christian Church Educational Wing. DLBM began painting and redecorating, and the whole atmosphere of the hall was changed. The church quickly began grow to the point that their meeting room was overflowing. Finally, they were able to meet in their new auditorium. Charges were given to the pastors and the congregation by various ministers from the area, and the President of Carver Baptist Bible College, Dr. LeRoy Randolph.
The church today is a vital ministry in the heart of Kansas City Kansas. It has reached out into the community around it and impacted the city for Jesus Christ. DLBM is a growing church that is vital to the community, and a bright beacon in a city that is filled with sin. God's blessing is upon this church as it now enters its 22nd year of ministry.